Friday, September 12, 2014

Dinner: Fusion Ramen thingy

I've been doing a fair bit of traveling, late nights, crowded places and dehydration. It's my lifestyle choice of the moment. So when I got back to my mom's after a few days in New York, I craved something life-giving. When this happens generally my mom and I order watered-down pho from the place a block away or go back to our homemade chicken curry (which is delicious, but sometimes, one needs a break). So I decided to throw together some things my mom had found at the Korean market into a spicy, hearty broth. The result was surprisingly delicious, with enough kick to help sweat out the toxins and enough veg without overwhelming the ridiculously tender short ribs.

Fusion Ramen:
- pack of fresh short ribs
- five cloves garlic - sliced
-one inch ginger - slice
- one onion, chopped
- 2 tbsp Korean chili paste
- 2 tbsp soy sauce
- 2 tbsp rice wine vinegar
- 1 tbsp hoison
- 1 cup sliced mushrooms (even button mushrooms work)
- one jalapeƱo, sliced down the middle
- one carton of whatever broth, low sodium
- one bundle ramen noodles, cooked
- salt and pepper to taste
- two heads bok choy, washed and sliced
- washed bean sprouts
- lime slices
- cilantro to garnish

1. Sear the short ribs in a heavy bottomed pan (i.e. a dutch oven)
2. throw in garlic, ginger and onion, allow to wilt.
3. Throw in the mushrooms, hoison, soy sauce, chili paste, vinegar, salt, pepper, fresh jalapeno, and broth.
4. Simmer at the lowest level for 2-3 hours until short rib falls off the bone.
5. Throw in bok choy in the pot a few mins before you serve
6. Throw your ramen noodles in the bowl (follow the directions, they take two mins to cook. They may seem a bit clumpy, but they loosen up in the hot broth)
7. Spoon over the broth (make sure to get that short rib)
8. Throw on some bean sprouts and cilantro
9. Squeeze on lime
10. Serve

It's even better for lunch the next day, when the flavors have settled. Enjoy with a cold lager or a dry italian soda (I'm dehydrated remember).


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