Friday, May 30, 2014

A Non-Update and a Pizza

I haven't posted for a bit, but there hasn't been anything very exciting happening, aside from severe insomnia and Sophie's incessant need to be coned to avoid ear-related ailments. Fascinating, I know. I did graduate from law school though, which has been a weight lifted. Started bar courses, which has added a beautiful monotony of life with a tinge of guilt that I am not doing enough.

I fell off the oil pulling wagon and have noticed a difference right away. My mouth just feels grosser, so I need to get back on that. Working out regularly still, which I am impressed with myself about. Since I finished all of Law and Order on Netflix and took time to recover from the resulting panic attack, I am now watching Charmed from the beginning. Other than that, enjoying the gorgeous weather and cooking constantly.

Which brings me to my new goal, replicating some of my favorite LA dishes at less than half the cost. First, is the Pig Newton at Mohawk Bend: Serrano ham, fig tapenade, goat cheese, mozzarella, balsamic and arugula - $14.

I actually stumbled upon this pizza on Saturday afternoon, using what I had in the fridge. Kind of. So my aunt threw me some extra prosciutto she had and my mom bought me a HUGE thing of dates from Costco. That was just sort of sitting there in the fridge. But Jacy and I went thrifting and were starving, passed a Trader Joes and decided to make pizza. I thought it would be a simple mozza-tomato pizza, but upon arriving home, threw something else together.

Date Prosciutto Pizza - Roughly $5
- Trader Joes Pizza Dough - 1/2 a ball
- six slices of prosciutto, crisped up on a frying pan
- one ball of burrata
- 6 dates, sliced
- two garlic cloves, sliced
- olive oil
- arugula for garnish
- balsamic reduction

Preheat over. Spread out pizza dough. Dribble a bit of olive oil and garlic on crust. Bake until almost golden brown. Throw on sliced burrata, dates, and prosciutto for the last 5-7 minutes. Take out, garnish with arugula and drizzle balsamic reduction. -> Salty and sweet with gooey cheese and crispy prosciutto with the fresh pepper of the arugula. AMAZING.

Pair with a beer. Yum.

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