Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Resolutions!

1. Exercise everyday for at least 30 minutes, even if it is just a brisk walk. My last year of college I was so good about going to the gym almost everyday for a hour, but moving to London and losing my gym membership, coupled with the weather, made it less than appealing to traipse outside. No longer will I use my new surroundings to make excuses for bad health. Yay exercise! (And hopefully I can apply this to the long-term goal of finally running a marathon...)

2. Get back into yoga, even if its just a couple of sessions a month... I always go through yoga phases; it makes me feel so much better and yet I get so lazy about it. I find it both calming and energizing.

3. Participate in Project 365... I'm proud of my progress as an amateur photographer, but I know I have a long way to go.

4. Be a better listener... I am the first to admit that I talk to much. It is a social crutch to avoid awkward silences or maybe that is just an excuse for my motormouth. I've realized that if I stay cognizant of how much I am talking and when, I can better control the urge to chatter away and I get way more out of conversations when I actually listen.

5. Have my blogs updated everyday

6. Be proud of the work I have done and keep reminding myself that everything happens for a reason. Constantly comparing myself to others only frustrates me and makes me frustrated with the relationships I have. I need to move past this immature way of self-awareness.

7. Write more creatively. I am great at journaling everyday, but have lost my desire to write the short stories that I used to. I'm changing this NOW.

8. Stop making excuses - I recently told a friend that during the times that I felt my best, as a daughter, friend, student, etc., I said "yes" to things more often and followed through with these commitments. I have found myself getting a little lazier about doing this, esp. with my move to London. Sometimes it seems to take too much energy to schedule things and do things and meet people. And this is a poor excuse. I need to better take advantage of London and its opportunities by saying "yes" more often.

What are your NYRs?

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