Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Random Musings.

To be honest, I am a bit lost right now. Some of it is still the decompression process post-law school, but a part of it is re-evaluating where I am in life, where I thought I'd be, if that's actually what I want, what I want and who I want in my life. Translation: I'm being the angst-y, bratty teenager I couldn't be a decade ago. (Shit. Decade. Whoa.)

I am incredibly lucky right now that I have a position that is allowing me a lot of flexibility about how and where I spend my time. (To let the cat out of the bag, I'm drafting a thematic report on the intersectionality of sexual assault, domestic violence and human trafficking for a national non-profit. Just some light reading, ya know?) That being said, the position is short-term, which means I have to figure out what the eff I'm doing. I can keep on this route, with short-term consultant positions, building my name in the gender-based violence research/advocacy world, allowing me flexibility to travel, but meaning I'll probably have to live at home for a bit or I can look for positions that may take me away from my passions but mean I can spend more on shoes (and pay off my massive loans and move out and buy new bras - sort of necessities). I know that was a run-on sentence, but that's sort of my life right now, so just deal.

Frankly, I'd like more time. More time to write, more time to travel, more time to take classes in things that aren't California Community Property. But because I am me and because I reside in southern California. I feel this insane need to pick something, do it and "start my life." I keep putting off things, saying I'll do it when I have a routine, a 9-5 "job," etc. But it's really just avoidance and really stopping me from being the healthiest mentally and physically that I could be right now.

So that leaves me feeling a tad inadequate, a little deflated, and much to family's dismay, more edgy than usual - which is actually terrifying. Blah blah blah. Where am I going to be in two months? I don't know. Do you know? Does anyone know? Does it matter? What would change? Whatevs.

So instead, here are some pretty things I found on Pinterest. You're welcome.

Follow Amber Lee's board Pink and White on Pinterest.

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