Thursday, November 29, 2012

Things That Are Annoying Me

1. If you have a red light, you do not have the right of way.
2. It is not necessary to swing out left when making a right turn.
3. To the sixty year old man making kissy noises at me - I am not a kitten. I will rip your jugular out.
4. To the man chatting me up before I got my morning latte - I see the wedding ring. Just don't.
5. To my mom and brother - I am not a puppy delivery service. And I'm hungry.
6. To the husky who peed on me at the dog park. Fuck you.
7. To people with read receipts for iMessages - I know you saw it, answer it.
8. To my bra that came undone during a meeting yesterday, thank you for making me infinitely more awkward.
9. To my left headlight that keeps going out. I hate you.
10. To all the boys I've dated/who have professed affection for me, do not do the following.
 - call me and say you're grateful for me on Thanksgiving. Hell no.
 - hit on my best friend. Poor form broskies.
 - text me randomly asking for photos of my puppy. That's weird.

Things I am okay with:
1. That my espresso was only mildly burned today. Thank you groundworks.
2. Sophie's cuteness. Duh.
3. The grandma wearing the studded flats - you go girl.
4. The gorgeous rain and fog.
5. The fact that I ate a family sized pizza and a oversized candy bar yesterday. (Finals will be the death of me).

Okay, I'm done. Back to studying.

1 comment:

  1. Literally love this so much/feel compelled to make my own.



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