Wednesday, October 19, 2011

{Inspiration Wednesdays}

I had a productive and fun evening last night. First was a solid library sesh with G and then I got to have dinner with Veronica at Church & State (more on that tomorrow.) Woke up this morning feeling a little under the weather and a bit sore (pathetic from my light jogging), but my bro had bought me pumpkin spice coffee AND my mom was playing the Black Keys. It was like I woke up to heaven. There was very little traffic and now I'm at the libs, reviewing Service of Process and getting ready to go to another Restorative Justice speaker, this one from Homeboy Industries, which provides job training and education to at-risk youth, some who were previously involved in gangs. Speaking of which, I want to try Homegirl Cafe, which is downtown LA. It is a "social enterprise assisting at-risk and formerly gang-involved young women and men to become contributing members of our community through training in restaurant service and culinary arts." How legit is that? And Aviva said the food is amazing.

1. Lol. First up, a shameless plug of my own critique of Britney's new video. It's kind of funny and you should read it.

2. Sweet Music Videos

3. Gorgeous apt decor via English Muse

4. Cute home/food oriented books. So into the illustrations:

5. I love Ryan O'Connell from Thought Catalog, especially his newest essay on "This is Why I'm in Love with You." I want to write my own piece about why I'm in love with his writing.

6. Dreamy beds from confetti garden

7. I want these Docs via Lyla & Blu

8. My soup addiction continues:

9. And because I can't help myself, some more fashion inspo:

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