Wednesday, May 18, 2011

24 Before 24

Carrie and I are all over this goal thing and I decided to do another one of my goals, which is to make a list of things I want to accomplish by the age of 24 (eek that sounds so old!) So here they are and I'll be updating as I complete them :-)

1. Make a quilt
2. Run a marathon or half-marathon
3. Make croissants
4. Create an urban garden in my apartment
5. Make my own light fixture
6. Enroll in a Spanish class
7. Finish a short story
8. Learn to play my guitar
9. Go to Portland
10. Go back to vegetarianism
11. Finish the 12 books I haven't read off the BBC's 100 books you should read.
12. Integrate fashion/outfit posts into my blogs
13. Create a piece of creative work a week (i.e. photo, painting, poem, etc)
14. Start a recipe book
15. Hike the Hollywood sign
16. Work on the BohoBeat Design so Carrie and I are happy with it
17. Do a 30 day yoga challenge
18. Make macaroons
19. Host a dinner party
20. Go wine-tasting in Napa
21. Host an afternoon tea
22. Go camping for a weekend
23. Start volunteering on a weekly basis
24. Pick up a new outdoor activity (TBD - rockclimbing? biking? kayaking???)

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