Thursday, January 10, 2013

Exciting Things Afoot

Sophie (right) and her BF, Freddy, who I've been puppysitting

Well, update #1 is about my cleanse. I think I've kept to it about 80% of the time. I haven't had any coffee, no dairy, no red meat, no soy, and no gluten - except for my splurge night. My one major fail: I've had two glasses of wine over the last ten days.

However, two days ago, I wanted to take my brother to Tommy's Burgers and we splurged on chili cheese burgers with chipotle cheddar and sliced chilis. UM SO GOOD. Also I had root beer. So a few thoughts on this. One of these things makes me want to throw up. I'm not sure if its the meat, the gluten, or the dairy. I guess a chili cheese burger wasn't the best combination to test out my cleanse thing. Despite the scrumptiousness and the fact I only had half a burger, it was really rich and I woke up the next morning feeling nauseous and sluggish. I also had a root beer - no caffeine, but a ton of sugar. My jeopardy performance was phenomenal.

However, I'm back on the cleanse now and I feel really good about it. I think I'm going to try to apply it to whatever food I make at home. That way at least 60% my meals are balanced and healthy and I can keep my energy stable.

Okay - more interesting things:

1) My Santa Cruz boys: Grant is moving home and I can't wait. Max is coming to visit over MLK weekend - like omgmycupcakewillbehere! and Jas and I are still planning a visit up to SF this month to visit my honeybun Rob.

2) I've booked a wine tasting weekend in the Central Coast for my mom, my aunt and me. So excited!

3) Planning a trip to Japan and maybe one (or two) to NYC.

4) I ended my unpaid internship at the LACA. It was a phenomenal experience and I love everyone there. But it had been six months and I have a few other opportunities I need to focus on, so it was time to bid them adieu. I learned so much and I'm so grateful for that experience.

5) I've been hiking/running with the Sophs everyday and next week, I add in my regular yoga classes, which haven't been regular in ages. WOOOOO!

6) Thinking about new volunteer opps and also expanding this lil blog :-)

7) I'm hosting my own Dinners for 12 Strangers with my friend Anthony! I loved D12 at UCLA and I'm so excited I get to facilitate a social/networking experience for students, alumni and faculty. It's one of the many unique things that SAA offers Bruins. :-)

okay thats all I got so far... off to buy books and make lists. xoxo

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