To preface this, I owe my entire beer evolution to my Santa Cruz boys. Back in the day of Maloneys and BrewCo, I was a Blue Moon and AMF girl, with a love for sugar and boys with a penchant for playstation. Unfortunately, I haven't grown out of most of those things, with the exception of LITERS and LITERS of Blue Moon.

I remember my attempt at ordering Blue Moon in Santa Cruz, surrounded by my experienced drinking buddies and being quickly chastised for my taste in beer. Sort of like when Rob and Scott refused to walk next to me while I traipsed down Sunset Blvd in obscenely high stilettos.
From that point on (circa 2009), I was primed in the best beers and developed a palette for IPAs. Moving to London, I expanded to lighter beers and living in Belgium changed my life forever. (Delirium for everyone!)
Now I drink beer like I drink wine - less beer pong, more tastings; less Tecate, more glassware. Despite the fact that my beer knowledge is better than the average Joe, I still get looks from male bartenders: "Are you sure you're going to like that? It's HOPPY." Yes, my darling boy; that's why I bloody well ordered it. #icanteven.

I remember my attempt at ordering Blue Moon in Santa Cruz, surrounded by my experienced drinking buddies and being quickly chastised for my taste in beer. Sort of like when Rob and Scott refused to walk next to me while I traipsed down Sunset Blvd in obscenely high stilettos.
From that point on (circa 2009), I was primed in the best beers and developed a palette for IPAs. Moving to London, I expanded to lighter beers and living in Belgium changed my life forever. (Delirium for everyone!)
Now I drink beer like I drink wine - less beer pong, more tastings; less Tecate, more glassware. Despite the fact that my beer knowledge is better than the average Joe, I still get looks from male bartenders: "Are you sure you're going to like that? It's HOPPY." Yes, my darling boy; that's why I bloody well ordered it. #icanteven.
Anywho, gendered drinking aside, Machiko invited me and I invited Annie to the Eagle Rock Brewery's Monthly Women's Forum. The theme? Coffee + Beer. The forum took place in the brewing room, where the founder Ting, led us through a five-beer tasting, ranging from the Ballast Point Calm Before the Storm (a cream ale) to the Alesmith Speedway Stout (a whopping 12%). All the beers were brewed with coffee, sometimes cold-steeped, sometimes not; other times green unroasted beans, sometimes fine ground; in cream ales, stouts, porters, amber ales. The variety was outstanding and so well picked.
The best part aside from imbibing were the presentations by the female beer brewers. These craft beers are family ventures, with a baby on the hip and barley in hand. The women described the scientific brewing process but also told funny and serious anecdotes of being women in the business.
Also I learned that prior to Prohibition, craft beers were the norm. It wasn't until after that big distribution companies stomped out little breweries - ugh Anhueser Busch, RIP Golden Road (though there was the whole living wage issue, so I'm feeling even more meh about it).
I also learned about the terrifying SHE Beer brewed in Indian Wells. It stands for Sexy, Hot, Erotic Beer and is designed for women with beers named Dirty Blonde and taglines like "which makes the set of legs on Exquisite Black Lager one you want to pop open." Like I just barfed. I want to do a close reading of their whole website, but I might throw my computer, so um no.
It will suffice to say that I will drink my beer in peace, without hoping it makes me "sexy, hot and erotic." Because beer is supposed to be tasted and enjoyed, not to attract the nearest bro in a trucker hat with a taste for Coors (sorry Cass).
However, I will be back again to Eagle Rock Brewery and the amazing staff (i.e. the really hot tatted up bartender who I forced to card me) and the malted amber ale.
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