Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I Woke Up Like Dis.

It's a bit crushing when your day starts off superbly well (i.e. a sunrise trail run, breakfast with your housemate and then an inspiring Skype conversation) and then the day sort of blahs out. Like nothing actually bad, just a few awkward snippets hiccup in, and then you're feeling insecure and pathetic.

That was my day yesterday. Of course, it was nothing that some burrata and an early night couldn't fix, but this morning (aka 5:30am) I woke up with the distinct desire to get it together. Yoga. Kale and ginger juice. Three research assignments. Three strongly worded emails. Laundry. Personal statement drafting. And hopefully a hike before class. Boom.

That's all a bit a vague. It will suffice to say that I am missing the structure of being overwhelmingly busy on other peoples' schedules. Prioritizing things on my own is lovely on a good day but allows too much wallowing on a rough one.

Anyway, a few photos from last night and this morning:

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