Monday, November 29, 2010

Thoughts on Snow

It's supposed to snow soon in London.
This worries me on several points.

1. I don't do snow. I mean, I have never done snow. Already, it is so painfully cold to me that the thought of it being painfully cold and to be slipping and sliding on icy snow patches scares me. A lot.

2. Back to the cold thing. The most money I have spent here so far has been on HeatTech undergarments - shirts, socks, leggings, tights - I bought the whole line. And I'm still cold. It might be a mental thing, but it hard to teach my old body new tricks when it has been trained by California sunshine.

3. Apparently London shuts down when it snows. The whole city, including the tube, just stalls. Classes are cancelled, flights are delayed, meetings are rescheduled - kind of like when it rains in LA. And London as a whole is worried because they are expecting snow about two weeks earlier than normal, which coincides with my journey home. This worries me.

I like the idea of snow and chestnuts roasting over an open fire and all that jazz. But I like that idea when its confined to my television set.

But then again, snow is really, really pretty.


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