Sunday, April 28, 2013


Dude. I usually don't get overwhelmed. This time, I may have bitten off a bit more than I can chew...


But I am seriously busy. Between LAFLA consulting, legislative duties, editing an international jurisprudence book, getting into my law review E-board position, failed dates, nights out, shopping, tanning, pool days, and reuniting with old friends and training Sophie to give me a kiss on demand, I wasn't sure I could handle much more.

Then finals happened. I have my first one WEdnesday and I am about to take a practice exam.

And then, oh whoops, my new job starts tomorrow. I am working at Hadsell Stormer, a human rights firm in Pasadena. I am so crazily excited that I think the adrenaline has kept me going. WOOOOOALSHDLKAJSLNGODISGOSLDKN! Yeah, I'm crazy. Deal.

Things I am grateful for:

- hiking with Sophie (even though we are about to turn those early afternoon hikes into early morning ones.)
- listening to jason's new songs
- Ann Taylor's major sale and Aline for coming with me to sift through the sales racks so I look decent tomorrow.
- For my mom's chicken curry and her finally finished kitchen.
- the fact that I have another two hours before i have to force myself to sleep, which means time for laundry, cleaning my room and that practice exam I am avoiding.
- All the love and support I get on a daily basis. Love x infinity.

Also listen to this bomb cover of Daft Punk's Get Lucky by Daughter.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

New Music(!!!)

Last night, Evan, Jackie and I hit the Satellite and heard the following amazing music by Chief, Warships (my fave of the night), and the Last Internationale. This has now distracted me from all work and school related endeavors, because all I really want to do is listen to music on a sunshine-y porch, while drinking homemade lemonade out of a jar. Instead, I'll read for marital property and print out a crim pro outline. :-) I do have the Cave Singers, Mumford and Fleetwood coming up so yayayyayyayay. Hope you have an excellent day! xx

Other songs keeping me going:

New from The National: Tourism - Float Away: getting into my indie pop shit again and this sounds like the Kooks Dead Owls - Only Child: Great beat, rock and pop and folk and attractive vocals.
Mayer Hawthorne - Designer Drug: he can do no wrong. Wildlife - Born to Ruin: powerful

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Things I am Grateful For

I was going to write a blog post about things pissing me off. (i.e. dodger traffic, dodger fans throwing up on stadium way, dodger fans being pulled over for DUIs, the price of my cell phone bill, how my shower isn't draining properly, how I'm breaking out like I hit puberty again, etc.)

However, I'm choosing my attitude, so this is a list of what I am grateful for right now. This is partially inspired by my friend Larissa, who invited me to be a part of her gratitude circle. The circle is made up of 20-something women and we text each other every night about something that we're grateful for. It may sound a little cheesy, but after a long day of what feels like thankless work, it's nice to take a moment and realize what I am privileged to have.

1. Cold Chinese orange chicken from Yang Chow for breakfast.

2. Sundays of mimosas with freshly squeezed orange juice, Game of Thrones, and my favorite boys.

3. Hiking with my baby sophs and cuddling with her when she's sleepy.

4. Seeing my best friend perform in Silverlake.

5. Having the opportunity to work for amazing people over the next few months.

6. Finding good parking.

7. Sophie having healthy stool. (Believe me, this is a great thing. #dogmom)

8. Finding a really great dry shampoo (I'll refrain from stating how many days of shampooing this has saved me.)

9. Being close enough to my mom's I can visit whenever I want (and then leave whenever I feel like it.)

10. Hemp lattes.  No explanation needed.

11. Having time to make healthy lunches


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